UNIVERSAL is an ISO9001 certified company. In addition, UNIVERSAL recently obtained its NMXR-026 certification, a quality norm established by qualifying services rendered by Mexican Customs Brokers, considering their operating practices and procedures on providing cross border services. This certification attest to the quality of our Logistics Services we provide to our clients, maximizing efficiencies to their supply chain management.
Our Mexican company, Universal International Services, remains as leader among the Logistics Services providers by constantly improving the solutions we offer to our clients. It is of the utmost importance for UNIVERSAL to gain and mantain our clients’ confidence and trust. Based on these principles, we obtained our certification ISO 9001:2000 since January 26, 2007, and have maintained our certified status since then.
In addition to our ISO 9001:2000 certification, as of February 2011 Universal International Services obtained our “Quality Customs Broker” certification under NMX-R-026-SCFI-2016. The objective of this norm is to identify and recognize efficient and reliable Mexican Customs Broker operations with an outstanding record on their customs services provided.
UNIVERSAL has been certified as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) through the Southwest Minority Supplier Development Council (SMSDC). In addition, the State of Texas has certified UNIVERSAL as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB). Our minority status allows us to work with our clients’ supplier diversity programs to maximize all benefits into our relationships.